For a while, usually whenever I have to travel (which has been fairly more frequently lately), I always think to myself; "Man I should make a jewelry roll." And then the thought leaves my head until the next time I find myself stuffing my jewelry into whatever tiny little bag I have on hand.
But no longer!
Behold the jewelry roll.
I based this jewelry roll off of Kathy's Crazy Moments Tutorial. With some minor alterations, mainly size and the addition of a ring holder.
Overall I'm happy with it. I got to use up some of my stash, the remainder of some yummy purple velvet and that green plaid taffeta that I just adore. I wish I had some way of getting all the lint off that velvet but oh well. It was a quick little sew up, Kathy did a great job on her tutorial.

It would have gone a lot faster had my rotary cutter not decided to crap out on me. Why is it that all my scissors and what-nots seem to get knicked and dulled when I'm not looking? Gremlins? Frustrating is all I can say.
This little beauty will get her first test drive this monday when I go visit my folks in North Carolina. Hopefully it will be a big success.
In the mean time I'm thinking of digging through the stash and making some skirts, as
it is going to be freakin' hot in North Carolina and my supply of flowy loose skirts is sadly low.
Till next time!