Pronunciation: \shə-ˈmēz, sometimes -ˈmēs\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, shirt, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin camisia
Date: 13th century
1 : a woman's one-piece undergarment
2 : a loose straight-hanging dress
Or in other words one of my favorite things in the world. No seriously there is nothing more comfortable, more romantic, more lovely, than a chemise. The possibilities are endless, with the right fabric and lace a whole slew of emotive expressions can be achieved. Add a pair of bloomers and you just opened up a whole new world. Great for their original purpose of keeping outer clothes clean from body sweat, they also do wonders for layering up on cold winter days when you still want to wear a dress. They make the classiest pajamas I've ever seen, and I've seen many a girl on a hot summer's day passing them off for tops and dresses.
So really the most versatile garment ever.
Now generally speaking when one says "chemise" and isn't met with confused stares or a "God Bless You". The image that comes to mind is a cheap cotton broadcloth drawstring shift with short of long sleeves usually worn to Ren Fair. While this does fall into the category of what a chemise is, and is in fact one of the first piece of garb I ever made. It is by no means the limit of the what the garment can be.
My love affair and mind expansion on what a chemise can be, came about when I found Jen Thompson's (see her WONDERFUL costumes) tutorial on "How to make an easy Italian Chemise". This was not a drawstring number, that comes loose and untied and gets in the way. Or a elastic enhanced smock. This had volume, this had options, this was so ridiculously easy to make and alter.
So thank you Jen Thompson for opening my eyes to the world of rectangles and triangles. There really isn't anything you can't make with rectangles and triangles.
I think I'll call her...Lillian
Lillian was just completed today, in time for a photo shoot on the morrow and is the predecessor of many a chemise gown, and bloomer to come. She makes a charming and lovely nightgown, boudoir dress, and a staple piece of costume for anyone's starting wardrobe.
Yes she is for sale, I haven't got an etsy site up yet but if your interested in claiming her for your own please email me:
Made out of 100% cotton (that has been laundered and shrunk to a supple softness) she is a one size fits most. Her neck band is 49" around, and from shoulder to hem is 43 1/2".
Black knot trim offsets the white ruffle at the top. The top ruffle was completely hand stitched with a rolled hem. While the bottom hem is trimmed in polyester black lace of a floral design.
She was a lovely piece to work on, and in the process I stumbled across an idea that I'm dieing to start on. A chemise and bloomer line inspired by fairy tales. It just sounds to charming to pass up, Snow white would look a lot like Lillian, but with some apple buttons that I've seen hiding around. But then like Beauty would be in a soft pale green with rose red trim and lace, some rose embroidery. Rose Red would be a soft dusty rose color with red trims. Really I could go on and on about this lol. I should instead just get moving on making them.
Time to put something new on the ironing board!
Stay tuned.